We are very pleased that our TW-Neo, as unmanned aerial system, successfully demonstrated a BVLOS flight from the Zyderland medical centre in Heerlen(Netherlands) to Uniklinik RWTH Aachen (Germany) on Friday 20th April 2023.

The distance between the two hospitals is about 14,5 km and with a little headwind the flight took about 15 Minutes. The flight was prepared within the research project SAFIRmed, to demonstrate how safe and flexible integration of advanced u-space services can be used, especially to enable fast and reliable transport services for urgently needed medical goods. Beside technical preparations, the main challenge was to overcome differences in legislation in Germany and the Netherlands for BVLOS flights. Many thanks to LBA Luftfahrt-Bundesamt and ILenT Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport for their support in this matter.

The research in this area will be continued within the mFUND project EULE, where the next flights to transport eye corneas for a medical study are in preparation.
flyXdrive, as UAV manufacturer and operator, is looking forward to all the future flights and further research cooperations with RWTH Aachen University, Dronig GmbH, MAHHL region (Maastricht, Aachen, Heerlen, Hasselt, Liege), Uniklinik RWTH Aachen and Zyderland.
Many thanks to all SAFIR-med and EULE project partners!
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