On November 18th 2020 the intirim milestones within the VISION project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital infrastructure’s mFUND were successfully demonstrated.

Within VISION a system is realized to enable authorities and organizations with security tasks to use unmanned aerial systems more easily with distinct advantages. Key developments over the integration into airspace, automation and intelligent data management.
Due to the Corona-pandemic the meeting was held digitally, impressively demonstrating the project progress through previously recorded Videos from flight tests. Demonstrated topics covered the cloud server structure including reflections on rights of use, task based mission control, mission and path planning as well as flight tests. The VISION system includes outdoor-drones able to operate beyond visual line of sight and indoor-drones able to navigated safely without GNSS-coverage. Flight tests of the oudoor-drone demonstrated the airspace integration through communication of the UAS to the DFS UTM-System and simulated results of conflict avoidance. Whereas the indoor-drones successfully demonstrated in flight the navigation and collision avoidance indoors. The demonstration was attended by several guests from highly diverse backgrounds with downright positive feedback. Important for the project work is also the placement of the project within the future of the fire brigade through Dirk Aschenbrenner, Director of the fire brigade Dortmund.