On 5th Novemvber the project GrenzFlug succeeded in completing its first fully automated cross-border search and rescue mission. The NRW minister of transportation, Hendrik Wüst, launched the mission via a mobile ground control center in Düsseldorf and monitored the flight.
In the GrenzFlug project, the prerequisites for the integration of unmanned aircraft in cross-border rescue missions are being developed. Over the last months, the team from RWTH’s Institute of Flight System Dynamics has equipped one of flyXrive’s UAVs with all the sensors a cross-border the rescue mission. The tilt-wing aircraft is able to take off and land vertically and to cover long distances, even out of the controller’s range of vision. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) has provided funding for the GrenzFlug project through its mFUND program, which supports research and development projects for digital data-based Mobility 4.0 applications.
On the day of the demonstration, flyXdrive had the opportunity to exhibit their TW-Neo in addition to the small UAV that flew as part of the mission.

Please find the offcial press release of RWTH Aachen University here.